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Lalita Sahasranamam - Part 14

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Feb 24

Ragam : Mohanam

अष्टमूर्तिर् अजाजैत्री लोकयात्रा-विधायिनी । or अजाजेत्री

एकाकिनी भूमरूपा निर्द्वैता द्वैतवर्जिता ॥ १३१॥

अन्नदा वसुदा वृद्धा ब्रह्मात्मैक्य-स्वरूपिणी ।

बृहती ब्राह्मणी ब्राह्मी ब्रह्मानन्दा बलिप्रिया ॥ १३२॥

भाषारूपा बृहत्सेना भावाभाव-विवर्जिता ।

सुखाराध्या शुभकरी शोभना सुलभा गतिः ॥ १३३॥

राज-राजेश्वरी राज्य-दायिनी राज्य-वल्लभा ।

राजत्कृपा राजपीठ-निवेशित-निजाश्रिता ॥ १३४॥

राज्यलक्ष्मीः कोशनाथा चतुरङ्ग-बलेश्वरी ।

साम्राज्य-दायिनी सत्यसन्धा सागरमेखला ॥ १३५॥

दीक्षिता दैत्यशमनी सर्वलोक-वशङ्करी ।

सर्वार्थदात्री सावित्री सच्चिदानन्द-रूपिणी ॥ १३६॥

देश-कालापरिच्छिन्ना सर्वगा सर्वमोहिनी ।

सरस्वती शास्त्रमयी गुहाम्बा गुह्यरूपिणी ॥ १३७॥

सर्वोपाधि-विनिर्मुक्ता सदाशिव-पतिव्रता ।

सम्प्रदायेश्वरी साध्वी गुरुमण्डल-रूपिणी ॥ १३८॥

कुलोत्तीर्णा भगाराध्या माया मधुमती मही ।

गणाम्बा गुह्यकाराध्या कोमलाङ्गी गुरुप्रिया ॥ १३९॥

स्वतन्त्रा सर्वतन्त्रेशी दक्षिणामूर्ति-रूपिणी ।

सनकादि-समाराध्या शिवज्ञान-प्रदायिनी ॥ १४०॥

Learn the Meaning of Shlokas 131-140


Who has an eightfold form. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect, and egoism are the eight Prakritis said to form the body of Devi,


Who helps to overcome Aja (Ignorance) அவித்யையை ஜெயித்தவள்,

Lokayatra vidhayini

Who directs the cosmic process; She makes the various worlds in the cosmos move


She who is only herself and alone; எல்லாம் ஒன்று, அது .அவளே. ஒன்றே  பலவாக காட்டுபவளும் அவளே.


Who is Infinite by nature; She who is what we see, hear and understand; இருக்கும் அனைத்துப் பொருட்களின் மொத்தமாக இருப்பவள்; நமது புலன்களினால் எதெல்லாம் காண்கிறோமோ, எதெல்லாம் கேட்கிறோமோ, எதெல்லாம் புரிந்து கொள்கிறோமோ அதெல்லாம் அம்பாள் ஸ்ரீ லலிதாவின் ஸ்வரூபங்கள். பூம என்கிற வார்த்தை பிரம்மத்தைக் குறிக்கும் சொல்.


She who makes everything as one; அனைத்தையும் ஒன்றாகச் செய்பவள்

Dvaita varjita

Who is without any duality. ஒன்றுக்கு மேற்பட்டதாக காணும் எதற்கும் அப்பாற்பட்டவள் அம்பாள் ஸ்ரீ லலிதை


Who supplies food to all. அம்பாளால் தான் சகல ஜீவராசிகளும் உயிர்வாழ உணவை, அன்னத்தைப் பெறுகிறது.


Who is the generous giver of everything valuable. செல்வத்தைக் கொடுப்பவள். வசு என்றால் பொன், செல்வம், இரத்தினம்.


Who is the Primeval One, மூத்தவள், முதியவள்.

Brahmatmaikya svarupini

Who is the symbol of the oneness of Brahman and the Atman பிரம்மத்தில் கலந்தவள்.


Who is the Immense; ப்ரம்மாண்டமானவள்


Who is the wisdom of the Eternal; பிரம்மத்தின் பெண் உருவம்.


Who belongs to the Eternal. பிரம்மனின் நாவில் வசிக்கும் சரஸ்வதியும்.பிரம்மன் அம்சத்தை கொண்டவள் அம்பாள்


Who is the bliss of Brahman. பூரண ஆனந்தத்தை தரும் பிரம்மத்தின் ஆதார சக்தி அம்பாள்.


Who loves the offerings of devotees


Who is in the form of language


Who leads a mighty army

Bhavabhava vivarjita

Who is beyond being and non–being


Whose worship is easy to perform


Who is blissful in blessing

Shobhana sulabhagatih

She who is attained through a bright and easy path

Raja rajeshvari

Who is Rajarajeshvari (The Ruler of rulers)

Rajya dayini

Who bestows dominion

Rajya vallabha

Who loves dominion


Who is gloriously compassionate

Rajapitha niveshita nijashrita

Who raises Her devotees to royal status; தன்னிடம் அடைக்கலம் புகுவோரை அரச சிம்மாசனத்தில் நிலை நிறுத்துகிறவள்


Who is the wealth of kingdoms


Who protects the treasury

chaturanga baleshvari

Who is the leader of four fold army (mind, brain, thought and ego) நான்கு வகைப் படைகளுக்குக் கட்டளையிடுகிறவள்

Samrajya dayini

She bestows the kingship and kingdom. This is the kingdom of the mind. She grants stability/ firmness of mind. அவள் ஏகாதிபத்திய ஆட்சியை வழங்குகிறாள்

satya sandha

She is bound by truth.‘Sandhā’ means ‘to unite’. It is only truth that can unite the mind and bless us with Her vision. Sandhā also means to completely focus and fix the mind at one point. 

sagara mekhala

She who is girdled by the oceans; பெருங்கடலையும் தனது ஒட்டியாணமென அலங்கரித்திருப்பவள்;


She who has taken an uncompromising vow or a solemn promise. Protection of Her devotees is Her main vow.

 தீக்ஷை அளித்து கரை ஏற்றுபவள் (தானே குருவாகி பக்தர்களுக்கு தீக்ஷை அளித்து ஆட்கொள்கிறாள்.)


Who quells evil forces. அசுரர்களை வதம் செய்பவள்.

Sarvaloka vashankari

Who keeps all the worlds under Her sway

Sarvartha datri

Who grants all our wants


She is the cause for the illumination of the Sun. Savitru is the Sun God. Savitri is the energy associated with him.

Sachhidanada rupini

Whose form is Existence – Knowledge – Bliss absolute

Deshakala parichhinna

Who is not limited by space and time


At all times and in all places She exists in everything and in everybody. She is omnipresent.

sarva mohini

Who casts Her spell on all


Who is Sarasvati, the Goddess of discriminative wisdom and spiritual illumination.


The scriptures (shastras) form Her body. She is an embodiment of all knowledge.


Who is the Mother residing in the cave of intelligence (Also the mother of Guha or Subrahmanya).


Whose form is subtle

Sarvopadhi vinirmukta

She is over and above the need of a physical carrier (body) for Her existence. Upādhi is a carrier (physical/ gross body). The being expresses itself through its carrier. The Supreme consciousness does not need any such support.

 Upādhi means a limiting adjunct or condition of something.

Sadashiva pativrata

Who is the devoted Consort of Sadashiva. 


Who is the guardian of sacred traditions


She is Chaste.

Gurumandala rupini

Who embodies in Herself the teaching of successive lines of teachers


Who transcends the sphere of the senses, including the mind


Who is worshipped in the orbit of the Sun. She who is to be worshipped in the universe round the sun.


Who is the Power called Maya


Who is Infinite Bliss of the nectar of spiritual knowledge. மெய்ஞானத்தின் எல்லையில்லா பேரானந்தமாக விளங்குபவள் (உயர்ந்த ஞானத்தின் சாரத்தை இனிமையான தேனுக்கு உவமையாக்கி அதன் பேரானந்தத்தை விளங்கச் செய்கிறது இந்நாமம்)


She who is personification of earth


Who is the Mother of all the hosts of Shiva and Ganesha


She who should be worshipped in secret places Who is worshippped by the demi – gods called the Guhyakas


Whose form is delicate and pleasing.


Who is the Consort of Shiva, the great Guru


Who is the only Independent Being


Who is the presiding deity of all the Tantras

Dakshinamurti rupini

She who is the personification of  God facing South (The teacher form of Shiva)

Sanakadi samaradhya

Who is worthy of being worshipped by Sanaka and other great ascetics.

Shivagyana pradayini

Who imparts the knowledge of the Supreme Being (Shiva)

Learn to Sing Lalita Sahasranamam Lines 131-140

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