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Lalita Sahasranamam - Part 15

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Feb 9

Ragam : Ranjani

चित्कलाऽऽनन्द-कलिका प्रेमरूपा प्रियङ्करी ।

नामपारायण-प्रीता नन्दिविद्या नटेश्वरी ॥ १४१॥

मिथ्या-जगदधिष्ठाना मुक्तिदा मुक्तिरूपिणी ।

लास्यप्रिया लयकरी लज्जा रम्भादिवन्दिता ॥ १४२॥

भवदाव-सुधावृष्टिः पापारण्य-दवानला ।

दौर्भाग्य-तूलवातूला जराध्वान्त-रविप्रभा ॥ १४३॥

भाग्याब्धि-चन्द्रिका भक्त-चित्तकेकि-घनाघना ।

रोगपर्वत-दम्भोलिर् मृत्युदारु-कुठारिका ॥ १४४॥

महेश्वरी महाकाली महाग्रासा महाशना ।

अपर्णा चण्डिका चण्डमुण्डासुर-निषूदिनी ॥ १४५॥

क्षराक्षरात्मिका सर्व-लोकेशी विश्वधारिणी ।

त्रिवर्गदात्री सुभगा त्र्यम्बका त्रिगुणात्मिका ॥ १४६॥

स्वर्गापवर्गदा शुद्धा जपापुष्प-निभाकृतिः ।

ओजोवती द्युतिधरा यज्ञरूपा प्रियव्रता ॥ १४७॥

Meaning of the Shlokas 141-147


Who is a spark of Divine Consciousness (Chitkala) and also the power of the Divine in a human being. தெய்வீக உணர்வின் ஒரு பொறி; பரப்பிரம்மத்தின் சுத்த-சைத்ன்ய உணர்வாக விளங்குபவள்; பிரம்ம ஞானம் அடைந்த முனிவர்கள் அனுபவிக்கும் உணர்வு


Who is the bud of Divine Bliss, which is in the form of bliss attained by humans. This bliss is attained when the sheaths of ignorance in the minds are removed by yogic meditation. அவள் அஞ்ஞானம் நீங்கிய தவத்தவர்கள் உணரும் ஆனந்தத்தின் மொட்டு.  


Who is pure Love itself; தூய அன்பு கொண்டவள்


Who grants what is dear to us; தன் பக்தர்களுக்குப் பிரியமானதைக் கொடுப்பவள்

Namaparayana prita

Who is pleased with a litany of Her names; தன் பெயர்களைத் திரும்பத் திரும்பச் சொல்வதால் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைபவள்



Who is the Deity of the Mantra of Nandikeshvara; வித்யை, ஞான-போதனை, மந்திரங்களைக் கொண்டு சிவபெருமான் வாகனமான நந்திதேவனால் போற்றி வணங்கப்படுபவள். வித்யா என்பது மெய்ஞான அறிவு - மெய்ஞானத்திற்கு தொடர்புடைய அறிவு, தத்துவ விளக்கம், பாரம்பர்ய வழிமுறைகள் கொண்டது.

நந்தி என்பது ஆனந்த அனுபவ ஸ்வரூபத்தைக் குறிக்கிறது. கோயில்களில், நந்தி சிவனைப் பார்த்துக் கொண்டு எப்போதும் ஆனந்தத்தை அனுபவித்து வருகிறார். ஸ்ரீ மாதா என்பது ஆனந்த ஸ்வரூபிணி என்பதால், இருவரும் ஆனந்தத்தில் மட்டுமே கவனம் செலுத்துவதால் ஸ்ரீ வித்யா நந்தி வித்யா என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது. 


Who is the counterpart of Chidambara Nateshvara

Mithya jagada adhishthana

Who is the ground of the Changing universe மாயையான பிரபஞ்சத்தின் அடிப்படையாக இருப்பவள்


Who is the giver of salvation

Mukti rupini

Who is Herself salvation


Who likes the rhythmic dance of women, called Lasya. Lasya is the dance form performed by Goddess Parvati that originated as a response to the movements and cosmic dance of Lord Shiva’s Tandava. The movements in Lasya are filled with happiness, grace, and beauty.


Who generates harmony in dance and music; Every action/movement in nature has an inherent rhythm. Devi’s dance is called Lasya (the gentle moves expresses Srishti and Sthithi , where as Shiva’s dance is called Tandav (expresses Samhara)


Who is modesty itself

Rambhadi vandita

Who is adored by Rambha and other celestial damsels

Bhava dava sudha vrushtih

Who is the rain of nectar that puts out the wild fire of Samsara

Paparanya davanala

Who is also the wild fire that burns down the jungles of sins

Daurbhagya tula vatula

Who is the wind that drives away the flakes of misfortune; துரதிர்ஷ்டத்தின் பஞ்சு துடைப்பங்களை விரட்டும் புயல் அவள்

Jaradhvanta raviprabha

Who removes by her effulgence the gloom of infirmities attendant on old age. முதுமையின் இருளைப் போக்கும் சூரிய ஒளி அவள்

Bhagyabdhi chandrika

Who is the full moon that sets up the tides of good fortune; Just as the entire sea rises up on a full mean night, one’s fortunes also rises up  when Her Grace is fully obtained. 

Bhakta chitta keki ghana ghana

Who is heavily water – laden cloud that makes the hearts of devotees dance like peacocks; Ghanaaghanaa means dark rain bearing clouds. Just as Peacocks dance on seeing such clouds, the minds of the devotees dance and acquire ultimate bliss on visualising Devi. மயில்களை மகிழ்விக்கும் மேகம் அவள்; केकी = peacock

Rogaparvata dambholir

Who is the thunderbolt that shatters the mountain of diseases. When Her devotee is afflicted with a disease as large as a mountain, She becomes the thunderbolt that shatters the mountain.

Mrutyudaru kutharika

Who is the axe that cuts down the tree of death


Who is the Supreme Sovereign


Who is Mahakali – the Divine Mother who consumes everything as Time


Who is the great the time of dissolution when all the jivas and tattvas are re-absorbed as a big gulp. உலகையே பெருங்கவளப் பிடியாக உண்பவள்;


Whose repast consists of this mighty universe. Both ग्रासा and अशना refer to  food; பெருந்தீனி கொள்பவள்


Who is Aparna – the one who did not take even a leaf while performing austerities


Who is the Chandika, the awe – inspiring one

Chanda mundasura nishudini

Who is the destroyer of the demons Chanda and Munda, and came to be known as Chamunda for this reason


Who is both the changeful and the changeless

Sarva lokeshi

Who is the Ruler of all the worlds


Who supports the whole universe

Trivarga datri

Thrivarga refers to the three objects of desire, which are called as Purushaarthaas : viz. Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth or purpose) and Kaama (desire). Devi is the bestower of the above three Purushaarthaas.


Who is the goddess affluence


Who is the three – eyed Goddess


Her in whom the three dispositions of Nature are in harmony. Devi is possessing the three Gunas viz. Sattvic, Rajas and Tamas.


Who bestows the enjoyments of Paradise and the eternal bliss of Moksha. Swarga is heaven and “apavarga” is liberation or moksha. Devi bestows both of these to her devotees.


Who is ever pure

Japapushpa nibhakrutih

Whose colour is of the nature of japa flowers (China rose/hibiscus)


Who is full of energy


Who is full of splendour


Who is Vishnu, the embodiment of sacrifice


Who is fond of holy vows

Learn to Sing Shlokas 141-147 in Ranjani (From M.S. Sheela's audio)

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