पञ्चाशत्पीठ-रूपिणी பஞ்சாஷட் பீடங்கள் (அட்சர சக்தி பீடங்கள்) என்பவை ஆதி சக்தியின் ரூபமான சதி தேவியின் (தாட்சாயிணியின்) உடல் பாகங்கள் விழுந்த இடங்களில் எழுப்பப்பட்ட கோயில்களாகும்.
இன்னொரு விதமாகவும் இதை பார்க்கலாம்.
சமஸ்கிருத எழுத்துக்களின் 15 உயிரெழுத்துக்கள் மற்றும் 35 மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் பல்வேறு அண்ட சக்திகளின் இருக்கைகளாக நம் உடலில் பிரதிபலிக்கின்றன மற்றும் 6 ஆதார சக்கரங்களின் தாமரை இதழ்களில் வசிக்கின்றன.
There are some interpretations that fifty one (or fifty) means the fifty one Śaktī piṭha-s. When Śiva was not invited by Daksha to participate in a yajñā organized by him, his daughter Śatī immolated Herself. Śiva carried Her corpse in anguish and fury. Viṣṇu cut the corpse into fifty one pieces that fell in fifty one different places. These places are known as fifty one Śaktī piṭha-s.
Lalita Devi is in the form of fifty alphabets of Sanskrit. Her manifestation in alphabets is known as Śabda/Nada/ ( cosmic sound). The manifold universe is a creation of Shabda Brahman. Akshara Brahman is that which holds space itself intact and coherent, that which controls all the laws of nature, from the movements of celestial bodies to the flow of time.
Ragam : Hamsanandi
ब्रह्माणी ब्रह्मजननी बहुरूपा बुधार्चिता ।
प्रसवित्री प्रचण्डाऽऽज्ञा प्रतिष्ठा प्रकटाकृतिः ॥ १५५॥
प्राणेश्वरी प्राणदात्री पञ्चाशत्पीठ-रूपिणी ।
विशृङ्खला विविक्तस्था वीरमाता वियत्प्रसूः ॥ १५६॥
मुकुन्दा मुक्तिनिलया मूलविग्रह-रूपिणी ।
भावज्ञा भवरोगघ्नी भवचक्र-प्रवर्तिनी ॥ १५७॥
छन्दःसारा शास्त्रसारा मन्त्रसारा तलोदरी ।
उदारकीर्तिर् उद्दामवैभवा वर्णरूपिणी ॥ १५८॥
जन्ममृत्यु-जरातप्त-जनविश्रान्ति-दायिनी ।
सर्वोपनिष-दुद्-घुष्टा शान्त्यतीत-कलात्मिका ॥ १५९॥
गम्भीरा गगनान्तस्था गर्विता गानलोलुपा ।
कल्पना-रहिता काष्ठाऽकान्ता कान्तार्ध-विग्रहा ॥ १६०॥
कार्यकारण-निर्मुक्ता कामकेलि-तरङ्गिता ।
कनत्कनकता-टङ्का लीला-विग्रह-धारिणी ॥ १६१॥
Learn the Meaning of Shlokas 155-161
Brahmaanee | Devi is the energy of Brahman (Lord Shiva) |
brahma jananee | Devi herself is Brahman and she is the mother of the Universe. |
bahuroopaa | Who has taken many forms |
budhaarchithaa | Devi is worshipped by enlightened and knowledgeable. |
Prasavithree | Devi gives birth to Universe. |
Prachandaa Aagyaa | Devi is wrathful. If Devi’s orders are not obeyed, she is enraged |
Prathishtaa | She forms the foundation of the Universe. Prathishtaa means "establishment," or"foundation," |
Prakataakrthih | Who is manifest in all as the I-sense. |
Praaneshwaree | Who is the ruler of Prana (life force) |
Praana dhaathree | Who gives life |
panchaashathpeeta roopinee | Who forms the fifty basic sounds of our speech, or who has fifty centres ofworship. |
Vishrnkhalaa | vi means without and śṛuṇkalā means bondage. Any action, be it good or bad, causes bondage. She is without bondage. |
vivikthasthaa | Who dwells in the hearts of the wise or in sacred secluded spots. विविक्त = Secluded |
Vīra-mātā | She is the mother of warriors who fight against evil. |
viyatprashuh | The creator of ākāś or ether element. The element of ākāś originated from the Brahman and from akash other elements originated. |
Mukunda | She gives salvation to jīva-s. Mukundā is one who gives mukti. |
Mukti nilayaa | She is the embodiment of mukti. |
Mula Vigraha rupini | She is the root of all energies. The root energy sourced from Śiva and known as Śaktī, manifest as different energies during creation, sustenance and dissolution |
Bhaavajnaa | Knowing what is in the hearts of devotees |
Bhava rogaghnee | Destroying the ailments of this existence |
Bhava Chakra pravartini | Turning the wheel of rebirth |
Chhanda saaraa | The Core of the Vedas |
Saastra saaraa | The Essence of the scriptures |
mantra saaraa | The Power of sacred speech |
Talodari | Of flat belly |
Udāra-kīrti | Of exalted fame |
Uddāma-vaibhavā | Of unrestrained power/fame; Uddāma-Unrestrained, |
Varna-rūpini | She who is personification of alphabets |
Janma-mṛtyu-jarā-tapta-jana-viśrānti-dāyinī | She provides solace to living beings are afflicted by birth, old age and ultimate death |
Sarvopanisadudgustā | Proclaimed as the Highest by the Upanishads; उद्घोषणा means proclamation, and उद्घुष्टा is the object of proclamation. |
Śantyatīta-kalātmikā | The highest state of non-duality. She is the form of the kala that exists over and above the state of complete peace. Only thereafter can it enjoy the happiness of nirvana sukha, a natural state of the Divine Mother. |
Gambhira | Who is inscrutable |
Gaganatastha | Who pervades all space |
Garvita | Who is the Pride of Shiva (`I’ as Prakasha), which is the source of the Creative process |
Gaanalolupaa | Who is fond of music. |
Kalpana rahitaa | Who is untouched by the creative process, which proceeds from Her will |
Kaashtaa | Who is the Supreme Goal |
akaantaa | The Destroyer of sin |
Kantaardha Vigraha | Who is half the person of Her Consort, Parama-Shiva |
Karya kaarana nirmukta | Who is not subject to the laws of cause and effect |
Kaamakeli tarangitaa | Who overflows with joy in the company of Her Lord, Kameshvara. |
Kanatkanaka taatankaa | Who wears ear-ornaments of burnished gold |
Leela vigraha dhaarini | Who takes various forms of Her cosmic play |
Learn to Sing Shlokas 155-161: From M S Sheela's audio