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Lalita Sahasranamam - Part 6

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Feb 24

Ragam : Kalyani

दुष्टदूरा दुराचार-शमनी दोषवर्जिता ।

सर्वज्ञा सान्द्रकरुणा समानाधिक-वर्जिता ॥ ५१॥

सर्वशक्तिमयी सर्व-मङ्गला सद्गतिप्रदा ।

सर्वेश्वरी सर्वमयी सर्वमन्त्र-स्वरूपिणी ॥ ५२॥

सर्व-यन्त्रात्मिका सर्व-तन्त्ररूपा मनोन्मनी ।

माहेश्वरी महादेवी महालक्ष्मीर् मृडप्रिया ॥ ५३॥

महारूपा महापूज्या महापातक-नाशिनी ।

महामाया महासत्त्वा महाशक्तिर् महारतिः ॥ ५४॥

महाभोगा महैश्वर्या महावीर्या महाबला ।

महाबुद्धिर् महासिद्धिर् महायोगेश्वरेश्वरी ॥ ५५॥

महातन्त्रा महामन्त्रा महायन्त्रा महासना ।

महायाग-क्रमाराध्या महाभैरव-पूजिता ॥ ५६॥

महेश्वर-महाकल्प-महाताण्डव-साक्षिणी ।

महाकामेश-महिषी महात्रिपुर-सुन्दरी ॥ ५७॥

चतुःषष्ट्युपचाराढ्या चतुःषष्टिकलामयी ।

महाचतुः-षष्टिकोटि-योगिनी-गणसेविता ॥ ५८॥

मनुविद्या चन्द्रविद्या चन्द्रमण्डल-मध्यगा ।

चारुरूपा चारुहासा चारुचन्द्र-कलाधरा ॥ ५९॥

चराचर-जगन्नाथा चक्रराज-निकेतना ।

पार्वती पद्मनयना पद्मराग-समप्रभा ॥ ६०॥



Who is far away for the wicked

Durachara shamani

Who puts an end to evil

Dosha varjita

Who is free from all evil


Who is omniscient

Sandra karuna

Who is deeply compassionate; sandra means intense

Samanadhika varjita

Who has none equal or superior


Who गे पा personification of all strengths


Who is all auspicious

Sadgati prada

Who leads one along the path of salvation.


Who is the Mistress of the whole universe


Who is the all

Sarvamantra svarupini:

Who is the essence of all Mantras.

Sarva yantratmika

Who is the soul or the central core of all Yantras

Sarva tantrarupa

Who is the embodiment of all Tantras (scriptures dealing with worship).


Who is “mind beyond mind” or Who transcends the mind


Who is the Consort of Mahesvara


Who is the Supreme Goddess


Who is the Supreme Prakriti who bestows wealth, fortune, and prosperity


Who is the beloved of Mruda (Shiva).


Her form (roopa) is large and infinite.


Who is the most venerable 

Mahapataka nashini

Who can destroy the effects of even the most heinous sins


Who is Creator of the illusory world and the cause for delusion, avidya and bondage Māya is the individual illusion (microcosm); mahā-māyā is the cosmic illusion.


She is the supreme truth (sat)


Who is the Boundless Energy


Rati’ means overflowing delight, love, affection and joy  Her heart overflows with endless love & affection towards all the spiritual aspirants who are walking on Her path.


Who is the great enjoyer


She possesses all the aishwarya of this creation. Aishwarya refers to wealth (prosperity) and knowledge (vidya) 


She possesses unsurpassed valour and strength (virya).

Maha Bala

She possesses utmost strength (balā)


She is the intellect (buddhi) in all the beings. She is the epitome of intelligence and wisdom.


She is the storehouse of the greatest or the most-supreme siddhis (accomplishments).

mahayogesh vareshvari

Who is the object of worship for all Yogeshvaras (spiritual adepts). She is the empress who controls and rules all the greatest yogis (ascetics and saints).


She is the essence of entire tantra including Sri Vidya tantra.

maha mantra

 She is the Pranava mantra (Omkāra) which is the greatest mantra 

maha yantra

She is the Sri-yantra, the greatest of all yantras


She is seated on a greatest throne. She is Śrīmat Simhāsaneśvarī ‘Mahat’ the fundamental principle (tattva) behind creation is Her asana.

Maha yaga kramaradhya

She is to be worshipped through the process of Maha yaaga (most supreme sacrifice), which refers to the antar yāga (internal worship) of the Srichakra.

Maha bhairava pujita

She is worshipped by Maha Bhairava

Maheshwara Mahakalpa Mahatandava Sakshini

She is the witness (sākshi) for the dance of bliss (maha tāndava) performed by Maheswara  at the time of the final dissolution (maha kalpa)

Maha Kamesha Mahishi

She is the queen (mahishi) of Maha-kameśa 

Maha Tripura Sundari

She is Maha Tripurambika, the cause of the entire creation.In the Srichakra, the topmost dot is the Bindu. Just below this Bindu is the triangle called Trikona/ Tripura. As She is the greatest empress who rules this tripura, She is addressed as Mahā-tripura-sundarī.

Chatushshashtih upacharadhya 

She is worshipped with 64 forms of services (upachara).

Chatushshashti kalamayi

Who embodies the sixty four forms of fine arts.

Maha chatushshashti koti yogini ganasevita

Who is attended on by a host of sixty – four crores of YoginisIn Srichakram, there are 8 mathrukas (Brahmi, Maheshwari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Indrani, Chamunda and MahaLakshmi). These 8 mathrukas have 8 assistants, hence 64( chatushashti). For these 64 yoginis there are 1 crore( Koti ) assistants. These yoginis help Maharagna Sri Lalithambika to administer the universe.

Manu Vidya

She who is personification of Sri Vidya as expounded by Manu

Chandra Vidya

Who is the subject of Chandravidya (the same Srividya as practiced by Chandra, one of the twelve authorities)

Chandra mandala Madhyaga

Who is stationed in the centre of the moon (Sahasrara).

Charu Roopa

She who is very beautiful

Charu Hasa

She who has a beautiful smile

Charu Chandra Kaladhara

Who has the crescent moon in Her crown.

Charachara jagannatha

Who is the queen ruling over all beings sentient and insentient

Chakraraja niketana

Who has Her abode in Chakra – raja or Shri chakra


She is the daughter of the Himalayas


Whose eyes are like a lotus petal

Padmaraga samaprabha

Who shines like a ruby

Let's hear M S Sheela sing the above lines in Kalyani

Lastly, to ensure correct pronunciation of the Sahasranamam, I am including the part 2/5 of The Sanskrit Channel's Learn Lalitha Sahasranamam- Slow chant

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