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Lalita Sahasranamam - Part 8

Writer's picture: Uma ShankariUma Shankari

Updated: Feb 24

Mother as an Ocean of bliss

The kshetra is the body, which is material, mutable, transitory, and perishable. Kshetragna is the one who understands the nature of this kshetra. The kshetrajna is the soul that resides in the body and is also known as the jivātman (the individual soul). The knowledge of kshetra and kshetrajna is considered to be the ultimate knowledge. She is Kshetra swaroopa – the personification of the Kshetra or body. She is Kshethra kshethragna palini - One who looks after bodies and their souls

She is an ocean of bliss - the Bliss experienced from Brahma to every Being is just a drop of the the Ocean of that Bliss;

Ragam Charukesi

राजराजार्चिता राज्ञी रम्या राजीवलोचना ।

रञ्जनी रमणी रस्या रणत्किङ्किणि-मेखला ॥ ७१॥

रमा राकेन्दुवदना रतिरूपा रतिप्रिया ।

रक्षाकरी राक्षसघ्नी रामा रमणलम्पटा ॥ ७२॥

काम्या कामकलारूपा कदम्ब-कुसुम-प्रिया ।

कल्याणी जगतीकन्दा करुणा-रस-सागरा ॥ ७३॥

कलावती कलालापा कान्ता कादम्बरीप्रिया ।

वरदा वामनयना वारुणी-मद-विह्वला ॥ ७४॥

विश्वाधिका वेदवेद्या विन्ध्याचल-निवासिनी ।

विधात्री वेदजननी विष्णुमाया विलासिनी ॥ ७५॥

क्षेत्रस्वरूपा क्षेत्रेशी क्षेत्र-क्षेत्रज्ञ-पालिनी ।

क्षयवृद्धि-विनिर्मुक्ता क्षेत्रपाल-समर्चिता ॥ ७६॥

विजया विमला वन्द्या वन्दारु-जन-वत्सला ।

वाग्वादिनी वामकेशी वह्निमण्डल-वासिनी ॥ ७७॥

भक्तिमत्-कल्पलतिका पशुपाश-विमोचिनी ।

संहृताशेष-पाषण्डा सदाचार-प्रवर्तिका ॥ ७८॥ or पाखण्डा

तापत्रयाग्नि-सन्तप्त-समाह्लादन-चन्द्रिका ।

तरुणी तापसाराध्या तनुमध्या तमोऽपहा ॥ ७९॥

चितिस्तत्पद-लक्ष्यार्था चिदेकरस-रूपिणी ।

स्वात्मानन्द-लवीभूत-ब्रह्माद्यानन्द-सन्ततिः ॥ ८०॥

Meaning of Shlokas 71-80


Worshipped by Kubera, the king of kings


Who is the queen (shakti) of the Supreme Being.


The root word "Ram" (रम्), means "to delight in" or "to enjoy". Ramya means graceful, beautiful, and charming.

Rajiva lochana

Whose eyes are lotus-like


Who colours Shiva with her red colour


Who sports wih Her devotees


Who is the essence of all things we enjoy

Ranatkinkini mekhala

Who wears a girdle of tinkling bells. रणत् = ringing, rattling, etc.


Who is Rama (Lakshmi)

Rakendu vadana

Whose face is like the full moon; Rākā (राका) refers to the “full moon on the first day of the lunar phase”; indu also means moon;


Whose form is like that of Rati, the Wife of Kamadeva (God of Love)


Who is dear to Rati


Who is saviour of Jivas from Samsara


Who is the slayer of Rakshasa, the forces of evil


Who is all that is feminine

Ramana lampata

Who craves to sport with Her Consort


Who is to be longed for as the highest

Kama kala rupa

Who is Kama-kala, the manifestation of Kameshvara and Kameshvari together

Kadamba kusuma priya

Who is fond of Kadamba flowers


Who is Kalyani or the Blessed One


Who is the Root of the Universe (nourishes like the root nourishes the tree).

Karunarasa sagara

Who is the sea of compassion


Who is the embodiment of all arts


Whose speech itself constitutes what is called fine art இசையாகவும் இனிமையாகவும் பேசுபவர்


Whose beauty is coveted by all

Kadambari priya

Kādambari is the nectar-like rain-water which collects in the hollow of the tree Nauclea cadamba which is impregnated with the honey from the flowers, 


Who bestows boons

Vama nayana

Whose eyes are full of grace. அன்னையின் கண்கள் அன்பருக்கு அவர்கள் விரும்பியதை வாரி வழங்குபவை. வாமம் என்பதற்கு அழகு என்ற பொருளும், கர்மபலன் என்றும், தேவியின் உபாஸனா மார்கத்தில் வாம மார்கம் எனவும் பொருள் படும். பக்தர்களை வாம மார்கத்தில் கண்களைக் காட்டி அழைத்துச் செல்லுபவள் என்றும் பொருள் கொள்ளலாம். கர்மத்தின் பயன்களை ஒவ்வொருவரிடமும் சேர்ப்பவள் என்றும் பொருள் கொள்ளலாம்

Varuni mada vihvala

Who is intoxicated with Varuni (the wine of spiritual bliss). வாருணீ என்னும் மதுவைப் பருகி ஆனந்தத்தில் திளைத்திருப்பவள். விஹ்வல என்றால் தன்னை மறந்த ஆனந்த நிலையைக் குறிப்பது. தேகத்தில் உள்ள வாருணீ நாடியை யோகத்தினால் தம் வசப்படுத்திக்கொண்டவர்களுக்கு விஹ்வலம் ஏற்படாமல் செய்வதாலும் அன்னைக்கு இப்பெயர் வந்தது.


Who transcends the whole universe. நாம் காணும் உலகம் விரிந்துகொண்டே செல்லும் எல்லையில்லாப் பெருவெளியாகிய பேரண்டத்தில் ஒரு சிறு புள்ளியே. அன்னையோ அவற்றையெல்லாம் கடந்த சொற்பதங் கடந்து அகண்ட விரிவான மெய்ஞான வடிவாம்.


Who can be known through the Vedas

Vindyachala nivasini

Whose abode is in the Vidhya Mountain


Who created the universe and sustains it

Veda janani

Who is the source of the world

Vishnu maya

Who is Vishnu-maya-the power that limits the all-pervading Vishnu and manifests all that was unmanifest


Who is the playful (Lalita) – Her play being the creation, sustenence and dissolution of the universe


Who is in the form of matter (bodies) of all beings;


Who rules the entire manifestation of matter (bodies) க்ஷேத்திரத்தை ஆள்பவள்

Kshetrakshetragya palini

Who protects the gross manifestations and the jiva pervading the body (ie the soul)

Kshayavruddhi vinirmukta

Who is without growth and without decay குறைவதும்/தேய்வது, பெருகுவதும்/வளர்வது இல்லாதவள்

Kshetrapala samarchita

Who is worshipped by the Kshetrapala the keeper of the body (the Jiva).


Who is the victorious


Who is free from malas or the Pure


Who is the adorable.

Vandaru jana vatsala

Who is affectionate towards Her devotees.


Who is the power that prompts holy men to speak words of wisdom. பேசுகிற ஆற்றலைத் தருகிற தேவி


One with lovely locks of hair, அழகிய கூந்தலுடையவள்

Vahnimandala vasini

Who lives in a circle of fire. Agni Mandala Vasini is the hidden fiery Kundalini Shakti, which the yogis move upward through the various chakras to Sahasrara and merge with universal consciousness.  Vahni = fire;

Bhaktimat kalpalatika  

Who is verily a Kalpa Taru, the wish-yielding tree of Heaven that grants all the prayers of devotees

Pashupasha vimochini  

Who releases the ignorant jeevas from their bond (pasha) of ignorance

Samhritashesha pashanda  

She who destroys those people who have left their faith

Sadachara pravartika

Who inspires men to right conduct

Tapatrayagni santapta samahladana chandrika

Who is like moonlight that gives joy to those who are burnt by the triple fires of misery – those generated by physical, mental and supernatural causes; आह्लादन=delight;


Who is ever young


Who is adored by ascetics


Who is slender in the waist


Who is the dispeller of ignorance in aspirants


She who is in the form of pure intelligence

tatpada lakshyartha

She who is the embodiment of truth (which is indicated by the word 'tat')

Chideka rasarupini

Who is the essence of Pure Consciosuness

Svatmananda lavibhuta brahmadyananda santatih

A fraction of whose bliss forms the bliss manifest in Brahma and others.

Let's hear M.S. Sheela sing the lines in Charukesi Raga.

Lastly, we will include the part 2/5 of The Sanskrit Channel's slow chanting of Lalita Sahasranamam.

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